Today is the National Day on Writing, a day to celebrate the written word in all its forms. According to the National Council of Teachers of English, National Day on Writing is exists to "draw attention to the remarkable variety of writing we engage in, and to help writers from all walks of life recognize how important writing is to their lives."
Whether you are an avid reader, occasional magazine skimmer, or you've ever sent a text message - writing is integral to the way you live. So, that's basically everyone. Don't try to tell me you don't write, because you do.
If you're an aspiring novelist, dream of publishing your memoir one day, or just want to become a stronger writer, our hearts especially go out to you. Writing is such a hard profession to get into, and it takes exceptional endurance. But the biggest obstacle is often not a lack of skill, or even lack of time, but lack of confidence. Just ask the famous writers who have reached #bookgoals. Some of the best advice out there is to just. keep. going.
Soak in the inspiration on National Day on Writing today with these motivational postcards we created with a few of our favorite quotes from famous writers.