The Mission Walker - Edie Littlefield Sunday
To start things off, I want to introduce you to a real queen, Edie Littlefield Sundby. Get this. After undergoing 79 rounds of chemotherapy and being told she only has 3 months left to live, Edie literally walks 800 miles from Baja Mexico to San Diego, California. 800 miles! I’m not making this up. All I’m saying is, Edie is my hero and she’s definitely in better physical shape than I am. This is a true story you don’t want to miss out on.
The Heart Between Us - Lindsay Harrel
And now for some fun fiction! Megan Jacobs underwent a heart transplant three years ago thinking it would move her life forward. She’s healthy now, but still feels stuck in limbo. When an opportunity to shake things up comes her way, Megan can’t refuse. Accompanied by her twin sister and “good friend” Caleb (listen y'all they’re definitely more than good friends), Megan travels around the world in pursuit of freedom, happiness, and adventure.
The Road, The Rock, and the Rabbi - Kathie Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobel
You’ve already heard us gush about this book, but we just can’t stop talking about it. Kathie Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobel take readers on a journey across the ancient paths of Israel, unveiling a deeper understanding of original biblical texts, and with that, a deeper understanding of God. This book blows me away, page after page. You'll really feel like you're in the Holy Land with them, and Kathie Lee, if you're reading this, send a girl a plane ticket so she can join you in Israel #please.
The Austen Escape - Katherine Reay
For all the Austen fans, this one's for you. Mary Davies is a successful engineer (praise hands for women in STEM) and she really loves her job. But here’s the thing. She’s bored. Other than work, Mary doesn’t do a whole lot. So when her childhood friend, Isabel, invites her to stay at a gorgeous mansion in England for two weeks, you KNOW Mary can’t turn down that offer. No one alive and breathing should turn down that offer. Things begin to get a little strange, however, when Isabel loses her memory and fully believes she’s living in Jane Austen’s Bath. The story takes a turn, and Mary’s fun vacation in England turns out to be a wild journey of uncovering secrets about Isabel and her past.
Love Does - Bob Goff
Coming down the home stretch, I am beyond excited to share one of my all time, favorite books with you. I’m hoping that some of you have already read Love Does, but if you haven’t, Bob forgives you now is the time! This is a great book to take with you on trips because each chapter tells a different story, making it very conducive for reading on-the-go. Bob Goff shares stories from his life that encourage him to be whimsical, live freely, and actually do love. From the slums of Uganda to Tom Sawyer Island in Disneyland, Bob teaches all of us the secret to living an incredible life in an ordinary world.