Oh, that sweet, sweet smell of summer. The sun stays out long enough for after dinner walks. Traffic is better because school is out. We spend half of our discretionary income on sunscreen and bug spray. We are so here for you, summer.
Here at Page Chaser, summer also means the heavenly bastion that is summer reading. Maybe you are one of those people that only have down time in the summer? Or you are getting ready to head to the beach, and you want to try a new kind of read.
Me when summer hits and I suddenly have time to catch up on reading
What do we love as much as summer? A
good reading challenge, of course! And we have tried A LOT OF THEM. Last year we ROCKED the Book Riot's
Read Harder Challenge, and this year we are targeting perfection with PopSugar's
Reading Challenge 2019. For myself, those are both in addition to my
GoodReads Challenge of reading a certain number of books. But one problem with those year long challenges is that if you are not all in on January 1, you have been left in the dust. So, oh occasional reader, we have the summer reading challenge for you!
Page Chaser Summer Reading Challenge 2019
The Page Chaser Summer Reading Challenge 2019 has TWENTY-FOUR categories - from everything from "a book with an ice cream cone on the cover" to "a book set in a place you would like to travel." "But Stephanie," you say, "how can we read twenty-four books in three months?" Well, unless you are Page Chaser
Rachel, you are right, it probably won't happen.
Welcome to the Page Chaser Summer Reading Bingo! To win this challenge and attain personal glory, all you have to do is make BINGO on our score card.
How you'll feel when you get BINGO
To get you started, we have all the summer goodies available for free download HERE.
- Bingo Card
- Printable list of all twenty-four categories
- Suggested titles to get you started
You can get in that summer state of mind by taking our quiz to find out
What Kind of Summer Reader Are You?
Also, if you are looking for a quick way to knock out some of these books, make sure to sign up for our Page Chaser:
Deals of the Day emails. It's a great way to get awesome ebooks at a fraction of the price.
Share your progress - and tag us when you get BINGO - on Facebook or Instagram using #PageChaserSummer.