Y’all, there’s a National Fried Chicken Day. Yup, that’s right, a day to celebrate (and eat!) one of the world’s most glorious foods, fried chicken. And for us, the only thing that goes with fried chicken better than a plate of Southern sides is a book that makes you even hungrier for it. So sit back and pop open that pants button, and get ready for all the fried chicken goodness.
Eat all the Fried Chicken
Covert Cows and Chick-fil-A by Steve Robinson
When I go on a fried chicken quest, I immediately find myself somewhere between my house and Chick-fil-A. I don’t know if it’s my Atlanta upbringing, the adorable cows, or the Chick-fil-A sauce, but Chick-fil-A is like a magnetic force.
Isn’t it wild that a restaurant that serves chicken is best known for its cows? Growing up, my family could frequently be found laughing around the dinner table as my dad told us what mischief the cows were up to on the latest billboard installment on I-20. It’s a truly genius marketing campaign, but how on earth did anyone think of it?

I honestly had no idea how the cows came to be until I read
Covert Cows and Chick-fil-A. Written by the former Chief Marketing Officer of Chick-fil-A,
Covert Cows tells the story of the cows, of course. But it also shares amazing branding insights and fascinating stories about the development of Chick-fil-A as a restaurant and a brand. This needs to become a
Netflix Original movie.
Make all the Fried Chicken
How to Cook Like a Southerner by Johnnie Gabriel
But maybe, unlike me, you’re more into cooking things yourself. I know there are people with the magical unicorn quality of being able to just cook without a recipe. But for the rest of us, we need a little help from the experts.
Who better to help us out with some classic Southern fried chicken than Paula Dean's cousin, Johnnie Gabriel.
How to Cook Like a Southerner not only has a fantastic fried chicken recipe, but it also has recipes for all the fixins (collard greens, anyone?) that go along with it. Have I made you hungry yet?
Read all the Fried Chicken
Amish Celebrations by Beth Wiseman

No one does it better than the Amish. If there's something special about the way your grandmother makes fried chicken, imagine how amazing it would be to taste some Amish-made fried chicken! Just look at the tempting goodness on the cover of
Amish Celebrations. 10/10 would gladly give up technology for a day to take part in this feast. I'd even don a bonnet, provided I'm allowed seconds.
Whether you decide to wander over to your favorite chicken restaurant or create a feast at home, have a wonderfully chicken-filled day!
Have you read any other books that made you hungry for fried chicken? Comment below and let us know!
Today's post was written by Sydney! Sydney is an avid dog-lover and avocado-addict engaged in a never-ending battle with her TBR pile. When she isn’t reading a book, listening to a book, or working on a book, you can find her playing with her cocker spaniel, Leo Tolstoy. Sydney’s big claim to fame is that she’s read nearly every middle grade or YA horse book – but if you have one for her, shout it out in the comments!
Page Chaser is operated by HarperCollins Christian Publishing, the publisher of Covert Cows and Chick-fil-A
and Aunt Bee’s Mayberry Cookbook