If you’re like me, you’re over this winter drivel. Gloomy days, bone-chilling temperatures, dark at four in the afternoon? Give me a break! It makes me want to stay in bed. The weather is funky. I'm funky. We're all funky, my friends.

However, the day has finally arrived: it's the first day of spring. Can I get an AMEN!? It doesn't matter that it's currently raining outside, and that it's predicted to snow this evening. The calendar says it's spring, so it's
spring, whether you're ready or not. Spring is my absolute favorite time of year. Why, you ask? Because spring is a time of happiness and new life. Which is why it is no surprise that the first day of spring is also the international day of happiness.

Let’s talk about why spring is the best and consequently, the happiest time of the year.
We survived the great winter monster.
Let’s be honest, after Christmas, winter is just a time of reminding yourself that one day the sun will return. Your suffering will end. So, pat yourself on the back for not having an emotional breakdown over the last few months. Or if you did, pat yourself on the back for surviving it. No judgement here, my friend. That lack of vitamin D is serious business. The end is near and flip flops and shorts are on the horizon, so congratulations for making it to this point.
We are blissfully reminded that life comes back.
The rumors are true: trees have leaves, and the grass is supposed to be green. I almost forgot in the midst of the grey, grey days that constitute the dreadful days of winter. Spring is comprised of colorful flowers, green grass, and blue skies (mostly). Who wouldn’t be happy about that?
What?! Stepping outside doesn’t require seventeen thousand layers to even have a semblance of warmth?
Hello, sandals! I’ve missed you, old friend. Have a picnic. Take a walk. Remind yourself of the goodness of fresh air and no longer wanting to be under a blanket 24/7. Take off your sweater. And the sweater under it. Be free.

With spring around the corner we can handle almost anything. Hope and happiness await you. If you want to add to the happiness be sure to read these joyful books full of encouragement and inspirations of happiness. Some of them are filled with such joy, even the covers make us smile!
Talk Yourself Happy by Kristi Watts

You can come back from anything. Whether it's a particularly hard winter, or the loss of a critical relationship, you can bounce back.
Love Does by Bob Goff
Do I even need to sell you on the King of Whimsey, the Chief Balloon Inflator himself? This book will make you smile. And then it will make you want to change the world. If you look up "joyful books" in the dictionary, there is a picture of Love Does.
The I Factor by Van Moody
You. Have. Got. To. Love. Yourself. I know the winter blahs might have kept you down, but now it's spring, and you are back, baby! You can't have a good relationship with anyone or anything if you don't have a good relationship with Y-O-U.
The Happy Christian by David Murray
I mean, this cover says it all. The world can be a bummer. But you don't have to be bummed. This book says it'll teach you to defeat negativity and live in joy, and in 2018 what more could you ask for!?
Happy Spring and International Happiness Day, everybody! I hope your day is as joyful as, well, a true spring day!
What are some of your favorite joyful books?
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Intern Savannah can handle just about anything, which is great, because she has to handle just about everything. When she's not memorizing BISACs, she is furthering her education with the Page Chaser team, who are instilling in her relevant information such as global politics and what the Met Gala is. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, or under a precariously tall stack of leaning mailings. But you'd better hurry.
HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., operates Page Chaser, the publisher of The I Factor, The Happy Christian, Love Does, and Talk Yourself Happy.