I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a wild year.

Jokes aside, finding ways to feel connected and present throughout the day has been difficult. We are 9 months into the pandemic and I am 8 months pregnant… add hormones on top of that and let’s just say I’m not my best self every day. Reading Walk Through This meant so more more to me than another uplifting read. For me it was the kick in the butt to get back outside and connect with nature to regain the inner peace I needed.

Below are my 3 big take aways from Walk Through This that I’ve incorporated in my routine to feel my best (even in 2020).
- Schedule time in my calendar for “Peace Moments”
This is 5 to 15 minutes outside in nature soaking in the stillness without distraction. Whether I am sipping coffee on my front porch or going for a walk in between meetings, I leave the technology at home and reconnect with my surroundings. It’s amazing what a little fresh air and sunshine can do for your brain! In Walk Through This Sara guides you into going deeper into peace moments by incorporating the 5 senses. During my peace moments, (while focusing on my breathing) I take in the smells, the sounds around me, what I see, and even what I feel and taste. Doing this has helped me turn off those constant thoughts cycling in my head.
- Begin each day with Visualization
In the mornings, as soon as I turn off my alarm, I sit up a little in bed and close my eyes. I’ll take a deep breath and envision what the day ahead will be like. Not thinking of my to do list, or work ahead but I picture myself calmly going thought out my day. I picture myself feeling healthy and energized (something that can often feel out of reach at 35 weeks pregnant). I picture myself taking a walk, feeling the sunshine on my face. Doing this helps me feel relaxed and makes me really stick to those scheduled Peace Moments because I know how rejuvenated I will feel.
- Meditation Over Scrolling
I'm repeatedly guilty of reaching for my phone in moments of stress. We’ve all been there, back to back zoom meetings and we get up only to sit on the couch and scroll to “take a break”. When in reality it’s only boosting our anxiety! Since reading Walk Through This I’ve used Sara’s personalized guided meditations to mentally unwind. She uses nature to mentally take you to a more Zen place, even if you’re in living room. I started doing them outside to get that extra connection to nature she lovingly writes about!
- Practicing Forgiveness
When we hear forgiveness I think we often associate it with forgiving others. But, how often do we forgive ourselves? Forgive ourselves for hitting the snooze button, for snapping on our partner after a long day? After reading Walk Through This I’ve made it a point to mentally forgive myself when I start beating myself up for something. Sometimes, I’ll journal what I might do next time, or how making that decision or action actually helped me through my day.
Reading Walk Through This gave me tools to creating a connected and mindful routine during my day. Even in a year that feels so out of control!
Start listening to the Walk Through This audiobook right now: