Famous Twins Who Prove Twins Have Superpowers

Posted by Alex Oster on

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There are twins, and then there are identical twins. A mysterious phenomenon that occurs in nature where two people look exactly the same and can communicate with each other through thoughts. Okay the second thing isn’t true (yet). And once a year in Twinsburg, Ohio, twins from all across the world gather together to celebrate their twinness in one of the world’s biggest and most powerful festival for twins. This year, that glorious weekend known as the Twins Day Festival started on August 2. So watch out for any weird power surges or weird weather patterns, because there will be a lot of superhumans…I mean, twins, gathering in one area of the US. Being a big conspirator fan of twins, I thought this weekend would be the perfect time to PROVE to you that twins have superpowers. Think I'm crazy? Take a look at these famous twins from fiction and real life (and sometimes both) and prepare to eat. your. words.

FICTION: Fred and George Weasley from the Harry Potter Series

Fred and George Weasley are always up to some sort of trouble. But I would say it’s good trouble…most of the time. Though they may be wreaking havoc at school and at home, they really are smarter than they seem. Their witty banter, brotherly love, and their dedication to the craft of jokery (this probably isn’t a word, but I like it) has allowed them to become entrepreneurs in the wizard world. Yes, they started their own business focused on jokes, mischief, and fun. And another thing, they made bank doing it. If that's not a superpower, I don't know what is. But I mean any store named Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes is bound to bring in all of the business. famous twins brothers In addition to their pranking empire, both brothers were accepted into the Gryffindor house at Hogwarts. So not only do they go to Hogwarts, but they are in the best house (in my opinion) at the wizard school. Their background in trickery help them to be stealthy and tricky warriors in Harry Potter’s own army as well. They use their impeccable skills to fight he-who-must-not-be-named, a lot of times. Like A LOT of times. One even died helping Harry fight the bad guys. If that’s not extreme dedication to friendship, I don’t know what is. But guess who won Voldemort? That’s right, not you!

REAL LIFE: Pro Tennis Players Bob and Mike Bryan

Twin telepathy is a thing, and these guys have it. Bob and Mike Bryan have to have some sort of internal connection only accessible by twins because they are way too good at tennis to be just regular humans. These famous twins move on the court like they are connected together by some sort of outside force (a powerful twin force perhaps) and they are able to win some major titles with their major skill.
giphy.com famous twins My reaction to every move the Bryans make
I mean, they earned a Golden Slam, which means they held all four tournament titles (Australian Open, French Open, US Open, Wimbledon) in addition to winning a GOLD MEDAL at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. Yes, all in one year. No other doubles team had ever done that before and no other doubles team has done it since. Some might call that natural talent, but I call it superhuman abilities.

FICTION AND REAL LIFE: Dylan and Cole Sprouse (aka Zach and Cody)

Almost every eight-year-old in 2006 wished they were either living the suite life like Zach and Cody or living the suite life WITH Zach and Cody, also known as Dylan and Cole Sprouse. I mean, a fancy hotel with little adult supervision, access to the pool at all times, and being involved in all of the crazy shenanigans? There really is nothing better. EXCEPT LIVING ON AN EXPENSIVE SHIP. So yes, after spending time at a boujee hotel, they now get to attend school and live on a boat that makes Norwegian Cruise line look like the old man’s fishing boat that has the motor duct taped onto the back. And not only do these twin boys have two great Disney Channel shows, they also have broken away from the tight, Disney grip and moved into the big kid world of the CW. Yes, now Cole is playing Jughead in the show Riverdale based off of the Archie comics and is killing it. Also can we take a moment to acknowledge that he dated Lili Reinhart in the show and in real life? I do realize they broke up, but for a hot second, he made a TV storyline his own storyline…that’s just freaky and some might say magical. Either way, these twin brothers share the superpower of success, and I have no complaints.
giphy.com famous twins There is definitely some telepathy going on here.

REAL LIFE: Pro Football Players Shaquem and Shaquill Griffin

Okay now this one is definitely an example of the power of the twin brotherly connection. So not only do these famous twins both play professional football for the NFL, but they both play for the Seattle Seahawks. BOTH OF THEM. Shaquem and Shaquill Griffin not only had the skills to both go play professionally but they also ended up on the same NFL team to play defense. AND to add to that craziness, one of these twins did it with only one hand. Yes, you heard me right, just one hand. Shaquem is the first player ever to be drafted into the NFL with just one hand. He also helps other young kids with missing limbs who want to play sports. Just look up a video of him with these kids…it’s adorable. Inseparable famous twinsAnd in the midst of training, playing games, and giving back, these brothers decided to write a book called Inseparable documenting their life leading up to their current success which was filled with lots of hard work, lots of football, and lots of love. There’s just no way they are both that good at both football and at being humans. No way. Now you see that twins have the power to do some amazing things like act in really great movies and TV shows, fight the most evil of evil guys while opening their own business, and also play professional sports together. Have I made a believer out of you yet?? Just remember my acronym for T.W.I.N.S: Talented and Whimsical Individuals, but Notoriously Superhuman Because twins will leave you asking yourself, "they both can’t be this good at what they do…can they?"

Who are some of your favorite famous twins? Are you a twin yourself?? Tell us about your superpowers in the comments!

Intern Jenna’s made her way from Colorado, to San Diego, to New York City, and has landed in Nashville for the summer working as an intern for HCCP. She loves the sun, going on long walks and long hikes, and reading whenever she has time (or whenever she needs to procrastinate). When she’s not driving cross-country, you can find Jenna either by the pool with a book in her hand or eating hot chicken somewhere. Page Chaser is operated by HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. (HCCP), the publisher of Inseparable.
Category_Blog Posts Dylan and Cole Sprouse Fred and George Weasley harry potter Inseparable Shaquem and Shaquill Griffin twins twins festival Video

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