If you know me at all, you know that I have three major pet peeves. (Probably more, but we shouldn’t pull at that thread, now should we?)
- Pets in outfits
- People who think Die Hard isn't the best Christmas movie
- And slow writers
Do you ever get knee-deep in a series, turning pages like the wind, and then after finishing realize that the next book CAN ONLY BE PRE-ORDERED?
Or worse, there isn’t even a pre-order button. It’s just a rumor, a writer with empty promises leading you on to heartbreak.
Don’t get me wrong. There are pros and cons to slow writers. And even some for the faster writers.

For instance, the case for slow writers:
- Slow writers build anticipation between books. I was reading Harry Potter while we all waited on Deathly Hallows. Man, what a ride.
- There is also the general rule that if something takes time to create, it is worth reading. I would say that substance merits a bit of a wait.
- Sometimes we need to grow up with characters and alongside them.
- On the other end of anticipation, sometimes it builds anticipation so much so that one can even forget about a series. I can't count the number of times that has happened only to find out later that the book had come out and I hadn't seen it.
- If a writer is so slow, does it cause concern for death before finishing? Because there are some series' I am in the middle of, and if I die before knowing the end, I will be haunting someone.
- Does our hate of slow writers speak more into our instant gratification society or what? Don't pull at that string.

On the other hand, there's the case for fast writers:
- With fast writers, some can crank out books so fast you can't keep up. Yeah, we are looking at you, James Patterson. Man, we can't leave that guy alone for too long.
- Another pro could be that there is plenty to read, offering only more situations you can be found reading in. Waiting on an Uber? Read. Bath time? Read. Dinner taking too long? Maybe read carefully. Kitchen fires are no joke.
- Does it cheapen the experience? Maybe.
- There are times when I can't keep up. My stack of books has never been this tall, and who knows when (if ever) I'll be able to catch up?

Either way, as it turns out, book worms have lots of opinions. And those are mine.