Happy Banned Books Week, fellow readers! This week, we celebrate the books that at one time weren’t allowed because… so many ridiculous reasons. But what fun is reading if someone is always telling you what you can and can’t read? Answer: IT IS NOT FUN.
Thus? Honor Those Titles during Banned Books Week!
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Believe it or not, this classic piece of literature was banned because it tackles some tough stuff: questions about race, society, and the painful art of growing up are all the crux of this book. Also, there’s some gritty violence. But it’s all rendered perfectly by Harper Lee, and there’s no reason that this book should be tucked away. And the audiobook? A thing of beauty. Sissy Spacek’s wonderfully narrates this Pulitzer prize-winning novel. Give it a listen and I 100% guarantee you won’t be mad that you did.The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
How you ban C.S. Lewis, I do not know, but this classic children’s novel was banned because the themes were too “pagonistic.” Um, okay. Let’s rebel and listen to this beauty of an audiobook:A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
First off: Madeleine L’Engle soothes my weary soul. Second, this book rocks. Third, this poor book can’t win from either side of the aisle: it’s been banned because it’s too Christian, and then also banned because it’s not Christian enough and “undermines Christian values.” YIKES, y’all. But let’s ignore all that and enjoy this amazing book for what it is: a staple read for every living being. P.S. I’ve written a post about the audiobook for the Madeleine L’Engle biography A Light So Lovely that you should totally check out as well.The Bible
There’s a lot of gnarly stuff in the Bible: violence, alcohol abuse, nudity, bears killing children (no, it’s a real thing… respect your bald elders, y’all). And for all this, the Bible has been banned repeatedly in many spaces. But! It’s chock full of good stuff, and I LOVE listening to the gravelly voice of Johnny Cash reading the Bible. It just makes sense. So give this Audio Bible a listen and read on, Banned Books lovers! Need other audiobook recommendations? You're in luck! Try these posts out:-
How to Listen to Free (or Cheap!) Audiobooks
Five Audiobooks That Would Rock on Vinyl
The 5 Most Adorable Things About Chip & Joanna That I Learned from Hearing The Magnolia Story